asus grouper (Google Nexus 7 2012)
What works
- Boot process
- Telnet/SSH over USB
- Screen
- USB keyboard, mouse
- Touchscreen
What does not work
- weston-keyboard
- Wifi + other untested parts
How to enter flash mode
- Connect a USB cable
- Power the device off
- Hold power + volume down
should work when the green android appears on the screen
- I am using the LineageOS kernel found here
- The kernel cannot be compiled on versions of gcc newer than 4.9 without a patch, found here
- I could not get UART debugging through the headphone jack to work - as far as I can tell, the 2012 version of the Nexus 7 does not have this feature.
- CONFIG_VT had to be enabled for graphics to work. In menuconfig this is located under Device Drivers -> Character devices -> Virtual terminal.
- /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode is empty on boot, it must have U:800x1280p-0. This uses the same initfs hook as many other devices.
- xwayland does not work.
- weston with uses pixman-type=3 (PIXMAN_TYPE_ABGR), which now does not require configuration.
- The touchscreen input device is named
- The wifi chip is the Broadcom 4330.
- This device was once officially supported on Ubuntu, so it has a firmware package in the Ubuntu repositories.

Fun fact: grouper
is the first tablet to run pmOS!