
samsung g800f (Samsung Galaxy S5 mini)

Basic info

Device: Samsung Galaxy S5 mini (SM-G800F; European version)

Cortex A7 (32 bit ARM), quad core 1.4GHz; 1.5GB RAM, 16GB storage.

How to enter flash mode

Press and hold "volume down + home + power" simultaneously. Then click volume up to confirm.


Preparing for install

First, download the TWRP recovery ROM. You'll need both the .img.tar and the .img file. First, extract the tar file to obtain recovery.img. Then, put your phone in flash mode and flash using Heimdall:

$ heimdall flash --RECOVERY recovery.img --BOOT twrp-3.1.1-1-kminilte.img

Now you should be able to connect to the device using adb.

Installing system

Follow the android-recovery-zip steps, substituting samsung-g800f for your-device in all the commands. If you get an error lddtree not found, simply run apk add lddtree in the chroot environment and try again.

If you get the following errors:

device-mapper: reload ioctl on   failed: No such file or directory
Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping for device /dev/block/mmcblk0p18.
Check that kernel supports aes-xts-plain64 cipher (check syslog for more info).

You can try to reinstall with a different cipher, by editing install_options and changing the CIPHER line to CIPHER="aes-cbc-plain64", re-zipping and using adb sideload again.

Installing kernel

This can be done via ./ flasher flash_kernel

It should boot, and show the Samsung splash screen. After that you should be able to connect via telnet